By the way, the stuff you hear about having a credit/debit purchasing method available is 100% correct. The majority of my sales were done by credit transactions, and those clients were very happy to see I had something in place to accommodate them. I used Intuit’s GoPayment (available here if you’d like to check it out) from a terminal app I downloaded to my Evo. Could not have been more effortless.
The highlight of the afternoon was being approached by a Chicago art gallery owner, and invited to start a dialogue about exhibiting my work in her Michigan Avenue gallery! Fans…I nearly hit the floor. What a flattering and exciting honor! More to come with this, I’m sure.
I was insanely busy the whole day, and the whirlwind prevented me from taking tons of pictures, but enjoy the ones I was able to snap! A large and very heartfelt thank you to everyone who showed up in support of my dream. I never forget that brand of loyalty. Next show is November 13th, and I have a *lot* of work to do.

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