Scrumtrulescent: a word to describe something so great and delectable that any other word employed would be woefully insufficient, serving only to limit the sheer magnitude of the greatness intended as a descriptor. Can we all agree that the sensation of covering our wet, naked bodies in chocolate and fragrant spice can only be explained with this word? If you disagree, you're probably a Communist. Or a Mormon. Either way, GTFO. And way to go calling it "body sand". It's all about the name. Did I ever tell you hoors that when I was a fabulous gay larva kid, I dreamed about growing up and naming nail polish colors? I ended up blossoming into a jewelry designer, which affords me the exact same privelege, without exposure to toxic chemicals and nappy toenails. I win.
A comment fron Gennifer, the creator of this divine scrub (who doesn't currently have a Blogger account - it's too good not to share!)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I just had a squiz at your blog and am thoroughly impressed. So lovely to see true artists with pens in hand (or keys under finger - you know what I mean!).
I wanted to write the comment below on your blog but am quite blog illiterate and don't have a google account yet to sign in with:
"YOU are Scrumtrulescent. That fabulous gay larva is now evidently a beautiful butterfly with words at his beck and call and sparkly-swirly-nailpolish-colour-rainbow wings only a keyboard stroke or two away.
Thanks ever so much. May you be smothered in spicy chocolatey sandy goodness unto eternity.
xxxx Gennifer (I made the Mocha Cardamom Body Sand)"
I'm going to link to your blog on my FB page, I hope that's ok. And as soon as I figure out how, I will be a drooling follower.
Thank you again!
Gennifer xx