My lovelies, please take a moment to read the alchemy request above, or click the graphic to go directly to the request. I learned of this heart-wrenching request through my friends at Regretsy, and though I don't quilt (I have never had patience enough to skillfully handsew), it occurs to me that I must know someone who does. Or someone who knows someone who does. You get the idea.
I ask that you consider assisting in this woman's healing by helping any way you can - making one of the quilts, donating money toward its creation, or just posting a link to this entry to your social media. A little of your consciousness and kindness can go a very long way. If you're not an Etsy user and you'd like to help, please post a comment and I will send your information to April at Regretsy, who is in direct contact with this person in need.
The internet can be used for more than we think. Be thankful today. Thanks, all.
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